Early learning spaces

  • Focus groups, user interviews, usability testing, card sorts

  • Service design, user flows, interaction design, experience design, spatial layout design, stakeholder management

When children visit incarcerated parents, it’s not uncommon to endure the waiting room for hours. Because personal belongings are not allowed inside the facility, the waiting experience is tedious and bland. Research shows that children with incarcerated parents have a much higher chance of being incarcerated once they reach adulthood. This is largely because of the implications of not having a strong relationship with the incarcerated parent(s).

My team bridged the gap between these two issues and thought that translating the architecture of LaundryCares’ learning spaces to prison waiting rooms would create an opportunity to solve both problems.

Who we worked with

  • Women's Justice Institute of Chicago

    The WJI's work is anchored by the voices of impacted women and girls and advanced through broad and deep partnerships with diverse justice system stakeholders.

  • LaundryCares Foundation

    The mission of LaundryCares Foundation is to enrich under-served communities by providing basic needs services including free laundry services via Free Laundry & Literacy Days, learning resources for early childhood development, and disaster relief assistance.