Diaper design with Procter & Gamble
Our team worked alongside P&G in order to find ways to facilitate an easier and faster diaper change, not only for parents with a range of abilities, but for anyone who might change a diaper.
The outcomes produced for this project are under NDA. However, Iām able to present it in more detail during a private meeting. Please contact for details!
Usability testing, user interviews, writing discussion guides, survey design, experimental design, user psychology
Prototyping, frameworks, journey maps, iterative concepts, driving user insights into design elements
The process
consumer Research
I conducted three rounds of interviews with eight interviewees in each round. Some remained consistent throughout the process but we recruited new people with a variety of abilities to understand specific responses to our prototypes.
This strategy yielded detailed feedback and helped us move forward in confidence with our final product.
I began prototyping using a wide range of materials and design elements. Throughout my consumer research, I narrowed down which elements I wanted to move forward with. In some cases, I even blended multiple distinct design elements into each individual prototype to test ease-of-use for more extreme designs.
final Deliverable
The feedback I received from the last round of prototyping was exceptional and greatly helped us move forward in confidence with our final product. However, the final product was a culmination of the feedback I received from every round of interviews. I wanted this product to be centered around the people that would be using it.
We presented the final prototype to the client and they plan on moving forward with its development.